ideas to boost your relationship in 2018

 ideas to boost your relationship in 2018


if you fell in love and found the real love so welcome to the hell welcome to the devil's ideas that will create especially to save this love
here we are creating some to help you to boost your relationship

  start reading the same novel and advance each side, at the same pace if possible. It transports yours and makes yours talk for hours. The same effect as a series looked at two. And if you do not have the same tastes, well you make efforts to plunge into the universe of the other

   buy a Polaroid and you have fun taking a thousand memories (with your photos on).

  take a big map of the world that is displayed at home (in the WC because it's ugly) and we tick the places in the world where we would like to go ... and we do our utmost to achieve his dreams!

  just have fun parties just for the sake of making fun of people we are with and remembering how great we are together!

   send emails or snaps to tell each other stuff. It changes SMS.

 Stop responding OK by a message. Even when one is in the practical-practice. The OK gives the impression that we have nothing more to say to each other.

    decide to learn the rules of football to be really interested because just look for Antoine Griezmannn, it's not fair play. We will find our man a little selfish month and we will understand better what we celebrate when it will make us climb to the curtains.

    buy ridiculous matching t-shirts and you get fed up on the days when you both wear it because you feel really funny on the street (even if everyone does not care).

   express your desires: I want to see your friends, I do not want to go to your mother, I really do not like your shirt. It makes everyone progress!

  adopt a pet, we give it a really funny name! And above all, you love him with all his heart and you keep him close to us.

  really go on a weekend. Because you keep saying it but you rarely skip it. 2018 will be the year of Friday nights filled with excitement.

   leave. Not with your lover but with your sister or a girlfriend. When you find his man, it's crazy how good you are. you can also leave on the couch if no one wants to receive us (it happens).

    have an appointment with the most beautiful exhibitions,  try new cultural experiences even if you think you will hate! A nice surprise is maybe there ... somewhere!

   make a piggy bank in which you put coins from time to time (not only red, otherwise it does not work) and at the end of the year,  pay a restaurant with the feeling that it is free.

   do not try to fight the routine head on but made some infidelities to your habits: if you love going to the Mexican on Saturday night, you try a Chinese and if you are more cine, well reserve the theater.

   take good resolutions together. Like quitting, eating better, getting into the sport ... The goal is not so much to stop smoking, eat better and play sports (well, a little) but to move forward together.

And finally, love yourself! Because it's still the most important!

And to add a little spice, we dare new experiences
